10 Things You Didn't Know About Me
- I'm actually 15 not 16. When I started Lost In The Sunrise I automatically wrote everywhere that I'm 16 because I'm turning 16 in December. Don't hate me, please:)
- I have a cat. He is 9 (?) years old chocolate tortie point Birman and his name is Ossi.
- I have a sister. She's two years older than me and some random people has come to us in public and asked if we are twins. We are totally not.
- I play violin. I've played violin for nine years. I stopped taking lessons last spring but I still play on my free time. I also play ukulele and guitar. Yeah, I'm not that good with those two.
- I love drawing. I've loved drawing and painting since I was a little kid and I used to take art classes on my free time. I don't think I'm that good at making art but I still love it. Do what you love, am I right?
- I HATE garlic. Yep. Nothing to add.
- I'm weird (In a good way I guess). I'm the kind of girl who laughs so loud and so much with her friends that everyone looks at me like I'm insane. But when I'm alone I'm quiet, listening to music and reading. Also I'm pretty sure everyone thinks I'm the perfect good girl but we all have our flaws, right?
- I'm pretty cold hearted. In someones opinion that might make me a horrible human being but that's who I am. But still I manage to cry in EVERY Disney movie, which leads us to the fact that-
- I love Disney movies. You could say that my whole childhood could be described in one word: Disney! Also one of my biggest dreams is to go to the Disneyland in California.
- I love painting my nails. I always have nail polish on. Ninth grade was my best time; I actually painted my nails with a different color almost every day!

I hope you feel like you now know me better and still want to read my blog!
What is your favourite Disney movie? (12. mine is Pocahontas)
Who is your favourite youtuber?
Am I the only one doing my own nails in 2018?
You know what to do;)
See ya
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